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Join us in Daejeon and Seoul for Museums and the Web Asia conference: October 7-10, 2014.
Museums and the Web connects an international network of leading museum innovators. MW’s annual North American conference is the largest in the museum technology field. Over the past three years, Museums and the Web has convened in Asia to extend its lively community. MW conferences offer many ways to participate, from presentations and demonstrations to workshops, tours, and interventions from digital artists and makers. The annual procedings of MW conferences have been freely available online since MW’s founding in 1997 and represent one of the most extensive and important repositories of global knowledge, innovation and best practice in digital applications for the cultural sector.
This year MW Asia will be held in Daejeon and Seoul, South Korea from Oct 7-10, 2014 in partnership with the Lee Ungno Museum, which is celebrating 110 years since Goam Lee Ungno’s (1904-1989) birth. The Museum showcases Goam’s life time achievement in art. Museums and the Web is hosting a special symposium program with Lee Ungno Museum on Conference Day 2 in the afternoon.
Who Comes to MW?
All kinds of people from around the world come to Museums and the Web. You will find webmasters, educators, curators, librarians, designers, managers, directors, scholars, consultants, programmers, analysts, publishers and developers from museums, galleries, libraries, science centers, and archives – as well as the companies, foundations and governments that support them – at Museums and the Web every year.
The MW Program
MW offers a range of professional learning opportunities, from plenary sessions to un-conference sessions, from formal papers to informal networking, from museum project demonstrations to commercial exhibits, from professional debates to lightning talks, from how-to sessions to crit rooms and the Best of the Web awards.
After the two day conference, there is a day of conference tours from Deajeon to Seoul on October 9 and workshops at EWHA University on October 10.
Social events include receptions each evening, and lots of refreshment breaks provide plenty of time to meet and talk with colleagues.
Local Committee
Local Committee consist of prominent leaders from various cultural institutions in Asia. Local Committee help the conference in many ways – market the conference, look for the funding, organize the local arrangements such as receptions and tours, advise co-chairs with direction of the program, etc.
Local Chairs:
Jiho Lee, Director of Lee Ungno Museum
Woonseung Yeo, Professor of EWHA University
Gunho Chae, Ph.D. Candidate of KAIST
Local Committee:
Kyounghwa Ahn, Chief Curator of Nam June Paik Art Center
Moon-jung Kim, Chief Curator of Lee Ungno Museum
Soojung Yi, Curator of National Modern and Contemporary Art Museum
Kyoungmin Lee, PR manager of Lee Ungno Museum